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9/11 Thoughts

9/11 Thoughts

Problem, Reaction, Solution
I freely admit that I bought into the sheeple mindset when the the towers fell.  "OH NO, TERRORISTS!"
I had no clue that tower 7 had fallen or that they had found an intact passport belonging to a "terrorist hijacker" and not once did it even occur to me to question the whereabouts of any other evidence somehow lost in the burning rubble.  Hmm, that's some pretty convenient evidence.   And when Kissinger was chosen by the powers that be to head the 9/11 commission, why that didn't set off any bells or whistles for me can be summarized in one word.  Ignorance.  It might be bliss, but only for a short time.   Then it's time to face the facts that influence our ongoing lives.

"You want to introduce something you know the people won't like. ... So you first create a PROBLEM, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb ... You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem ... So you create a "patsy," as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. ... This brings us to stage two, the REACTION from the people – "This can't go on; what are THEY going to do about it?" ... This allows THEM to then openly offer the SOLUTION to the problems they have created ..." 
-- David Icke (News for the Soul)

It's the self serving loop that is perpetuated by their greed coupled with our ignorance, and it appears much easier and more frequently weaponized against critical thinkers and patriotic countrymen than during the 20th century.

False Flag...
The first time I heard the words "9/11 was an inside job"  I thought to myself, like many of you I'm sure, "...but how could our government possibly exterminate 3000 of it's own people?..."  Then later becoming angry at the idea.   Angry that the person who told me about it actually believed it... then angry at myself for not seeing through it...  then angry that our government could engineer such a thing, bungle it, blame it on something they created and supported, and ask that we pay for it with tax dollars and blood.   I've argued with people over this for such a long time.  It's lost me friendships, but gained correspondence with people all around the world.
How many Trade Centers were destroyed on 9/11 Three.  World Trade Center One, Two, and Seven. 
Pentagon not included.

Brace yourself...
We are NOT engaged in a war on terror.   We are not really even engaged in a war on terrorists, for if we were, this warmongering regime that we commonly mistake for our "government" would be eradicated overnight by our military.   Instead we are going through the motions of war against a religion who supposedly hates our guts.  A very LARGE religion of people who "hate us for our freedom and liberty".   I would have to agree at this point in our history, that those people who we are actively engaged in the thinning of their herds, likely hate those responsible with every fiber of their being, but not because we don't all worship Allah, or embrace other ideas/concepts that they don't, or possess liberty.
   They hate us because we systematically kill off their families and friends by the hordes.  Our leadership fabricates the "facts" and disseminates misinformation through it's media whenever possible.  Now it is business as usual to  be perpetrating genocide whenever possible... AND all because we are intolerant of those who they claim to perpetrate genocide... the mindset of preemptive strike...  At the very least, couldn't we simply deal with the culprit and not the entire country?   Why do we blindly and quietly accept the yoke of what we are told?  It's pathetic.   I would call it childish, but that is giving far too much credit.

And still the bombs drop...
When does our "reptilian brain" step up to cause so much pain to another?   People don't really speak to each other the way they do in the movies, right?   Where did all the drama and hate come from?  I'm convinced that it's the fault of both media and unwitting parents that we speak to one another the way we do now.    It's the brainwashing by the media and parents who are themselves victims of media, that perpetuate racism and religious intolerance.   Children don't naturally hate one another.  I believe we become what we see, read, and think.  It solidifies when we willfully participate.  We can either become loving connected human beings, or we can become hateful, superstitious idiots.  It IS our choice, but we first have to admit to ourselves that we are either open minded eternal beings, or closed minded finite accidents.   We have to evaluate our lives case by case.  There is no magic bullet... no secret recipe.    If you believe you have unlimited potential, then you have to also believe that there is NO FATE and that you can shape your world around you.

Programmed to Believe...
Our minds are as malleable as our flesh, and post trauma, heals about as well.   If we are mentally tough, we can usually get through anything that comes our way, religion, politics, pain, death, healing, prosperity, poverty etc...  Mind control is everywhere.  Though it might not be done with magic wands and incantations, it certainly is a reality and we are all victims.   Why Madonna? Why Britney?  Why Anna?   What's up with all these people trying to program you to operate more agreeably in their world?    They can't control themselves and therefore they try to control you?
Seems natural, right?   We landscape and build the environment around us to suit our purposes.  Why should it be any different with those around us?   This blog itself would seem like an attempt at persuading you to think differently.   If it gets you to think at all is completely up to you.   I don't have any illusions that I can MAKE you do anything you aren't bound and determined to do for yourself.   This stuff is just a collection of my own thoughts, and a recap of some of my own research conveniently compiled with my own flow and purpose.  If we end up resonating agreeably, great.  If not, oh well, maybe some other day.

Who controlls the world?


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